Visual Guide Soap API

Project Management System - Route Documentation

This document provides a visual representation and explanation of all available queries and mutations in the GraphQL Project Management System. Each image corresponds to a specific query or mutation, followed by a brief explanation of its functionality.

1. GraphIQL Interface

GraphIQL Interface

This image shows the GraphIQL interface, which is used to interact with the Project Management GraphQL API. It allows users to write and execute queries and mutations directly.

2. Add Project

Add Project

Use this mutation to add a new project to the system. Provide project details such as name, description, and the client ID it belongs to.

3. Delete Client

Delete Client

This mutation deletes a client from the database. You must provide the client ID to successfully remove the client.

4. Get All Clients

Get All Clients

This query retrieves all clients in the system, returning their IDs, names, and other relevant information.

5. Get All Projects

Get All Projects

Use this query to get details of all the projects in the system, including their names, descriptions, and associated client IDs.

6. Get Client by ID

Get Client by ID

This query allows you to retrieve a specific client by providing their ID. The response includes all available client details.

7. Get Client Data

Get Client Data

This query fetches detailed data for a client, including their associated projects, names, and contact information.

8. Get Projects by Client ID

Get Projects by Client ID

Use this query to retrieve all projects associated with a specific client by passing the client ID.

9. Delete Project Using Client ID

This section illustrates the steps to delete a project using the client ID, from the database state before deletion to the execution of the deletion query and the final state of the database.

Before Deletion

Delete Project Using Client ID (Before)

This image shows the state of the database before a project associated with a client ID is deleted.

GraphIQL Query Execution

Delete Project Using Client ID (Query)

This image shows the GraphIQL interface where the delete project query is executed using the client ID.

After Deletion

Database After Deletion

This image demonstrates the final state of the database after the project has been deleted using the client ID query.